
刊物名稱 論文名稱 作者順序 出版日期
IEE, Electronics Letters Low-Complexity bit-parallel multiplier over GF(2^m) using dual basis representation 第二作者 2005/06
International Journal of Computers and Applications Low-Complexity Bit-Parallel Multipliers for a Class of GF(2^m) Based on Modified Booth’s Algorithm 第二作者 2005/06
Computers & Electrical Engineering Sequential Type-I Optimal Normal Basis Multiplier and Multiplicative Inverse in GF(2^m) 第一作者 2005/06
Information Processing Letters Multiplexer implementation of low-complexity polynomial basis multiplier in GF(2^m) using all one polynomial 第一作者 2005/06
Journal of Educational Technology & Society Web-based Interactive Writing Environment: Development and Evaluation 第三作者 2005/05
Applied Mathematics and Computation Efficient On-line Electronic Checks 第一作者 2005/03
Journal of Information Science and Engineering A Fast Base-K Logarithm with Redundant Representation 第一作者 2005/03
Journal of Algorithms Fast Euclid’s GCD algorithm without magnitude comparison 第一作者 2005/01
WSEAS Transactions on Computers Flexible Sequential Multiplier In Normal basis of GF(2^m) 第二作者 2005/01
Information and Software Technology Encapsulating Windows-Based Software Applications into Reusable Components using Pattern Language 第一作者 2005/01